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上面的话继续说。 在《看匠心》的第一部分,我们终于和大家聊到了第五讲,就是如何看圈足。 接下来我们要讲的是如何通过观察器型的工艺变化来鉴赏瓷器。


每个时代陶瓷大众娱乐器皿的类型都与器物本身的功能以及那个时代的生活方式和习俗密不可分。 不同朝代生活习俗的变化引起了陶瓷器皿功能的相应变化,进而导致器皿种类的变化,进而引发工艺的变革。

举个例子:汉代以前,人们席地而坐,所有的器皿都放在地上,所以产生的实用器皿非常庞大。 而且,饰物、饰物都在肩膀上,符合人们从上往下看的视觉习惯。 又如饮茶:从唐到明,制茶发展到泡茶。 因此,茶具也有不同的变化。

但由于中华文化的遗传特点,除少数器物因实用效果低、工艺水平低而被淘汰外,大部分器物都是一个渐进的、变化不大的过程。 因此,当我们注意不同时期陶瓷器皿因功能和功能不同而存在的差异时,就可以准确地辨别年代。 作为专业收藏家,我们必须掌握其中的细微差别。 因为往往正是这些差异让你即使只看照片也能认出新旧。

大众娱乐以我为例,笔者收藏的壶系列,从魏晋南北朝时期的鸡头壶,一直到民国以后、建国后的壶。 光是锅流上锅的位置就可以列出一个时间表。 接下来我们来说说一些大宗产品的时代特征。

大众娱乐原始陶器:最早的时候,陶器主要用作炊具、水器和储存食物的容器,其中以三足葛更为流行。 三腿之间可放置木柴。 吸水器有一个尖底的小口和两个耳朵,方便放入水中吸水,并且可以插入沙子上而不会翻倒。 所以说,古陶器是实用的,非常大,实用。 如果有小形状,就要注意是什么文化时期。 当时还不流行用陶瓷作为陪葬品,生活用品一般都是带到墓地。

商周时期:由于生活方式的变化,人们逐渐从早期的渔猎采摘过渡到种植、渔猎相结合。 生活方式在改变的同时,陶器的造型也在悄然发生着变化。 三足葛在商代中期就变成了全身,彻底变成了另外的形状,葛也消失了。 人们开始住在室内,河里的小尖脚消失了,取而代之的是装食物的大容器。 战国至汉代,由于丧葬盛行,出现了许多陶制礼器。 如鼎作为明代文物随葬。 大多为吸水率较高的彩陶。 如果你看到那些小而不规则的,形成一定组合的,那一定是明瓷,而此时,瓷器作为一种实用器皿开始出现。

3、西周时期有很多印记灰陶壶:这些壶没有耳,所以壶口大多向外翻,主要是为了方便在脖子上系绳子。 很多模仿者不知道其中的原因,很容易忽略这个细节。

4、舞台上的原始瓷器:由于没有自己的类型白瓷托盘,所以大多参考青铜器的类型。 瓷器是实用器皿,在仿铜器的同时,必须同时具有实用性。 因此,一开始最常见的形式是罐和安瓿,例如水波纹罐和水波纹安瓿。 后来又逐渐创制出四系壶及其他类型的壶。 。

5、茧形壶:俗称鸭蛋壶,是战国、秦代的陶壶。 茧形壶是秦代特有的器形,是其他朝代所没有的。


7、隋代以后,瓷器全部是自己制造的,几乎没有青铜器了。 如果此时出现瓷仿青铜器,玩家就要多加留意了。

8、唐代的唐三彩主要作为明器陪葬:因为当时已经知道铅釉有毒,所以都用于葬礼。 如果有实用的装置,那一定是后仿的。 唐代凤头壶是唐代特有的。


10、东汉以后,陪葬器具种类繁多,从日常用具、生产加工到牲畜饲养、居住、出行等。 但隋唐以后,因丧葬制度的变化而逐渐消失。





明朝 清朝




陶瓷侧面的耳塞原本是出于实用性。 它用作把手和系绳,辅助人们使用,是器具上的附件。 后来慢慢地进行了装饰,以增强其观赏价值,器物中才出现了纯粹的装饰。 有的器物耳具有悠久的延续性,有的则具有时代特征,可以作为断代的依据。

1、挖耳:商周初期以前的原始陶器,如吸水壶等,在制作整件陶器时,通常用手指在腹部挤压,挖出半圆形的耳朵。 用于网络共享。 也有可能里面加了一点泥土,一看就知道是被挖出来的。


3、兽耳:汉代青瓷瓶上有双变形兽耳,饰有浮雕图案。 汉代壶方壶有双鼠耳。 汉代的陶壶和魏晋的鸡头壶上,都有兽形提梁壶。

南北朝 青釉龙柄鸡头壶 魏晋洪州窑鼠耳碗

4、秦汉时期陶瓷壶、鼎、年、钫等均饰有冠环:此类器物一般为仿青铜器,魏晋以后已无此类装饰。 正是在宋代的铸壶上施了映青釉,这种附属装饰又重新流行起来。




大众娱乐8、双条系统:从隋代到唐代,罐顶多采用双条系统。 魏晋唐时期的长沙窑也流行双纹泥造型。 清代双缠条壶、杯是清代的外销瓷器。


大众娱乐10、熊足、蹄足:战国至汉代的绿釉仓、棺材多为熊足,而鼎则多为蹄足。 我还收藏过一只人面足,不过这是宋器,不具有代表性。 单个证书不是证书。


12、官儿、戟耳:自宋代以来,多以仿仿古青铜器的方法,故汉代青铜器上原有的官儿开始流行,并出现在商城器物中。 戟耳为宋代特有,后演变为其他三耳、花耳等。

13、狮头系列、象耳、虎耳:元、明、清时期,狮耳、象耳、虎耳作为装饰品出现。 清代,虎头被用作领带,主要用于实用器皿。 清第三代的虎耳,圆形、大而清晰,后来变得细长、模糊、简化。

大众娱乐14、穿孔、附铜配件:清代康熙的粥罐,有穿孔、附把的方法。 窑烧时留孔,器皿完成后加铜配件的把手。 顺治、雍正也有少量。

15、清初的花瓶没有耳,如槌瓶。 乾隆时期流行各种鹿头、象头、龙耳、如意云头耳,清代中期出现爬狮耳。 清朝越早,耳朵越清晰,光绪民国就模糊了。


由于陶瓷从拉坯、修坯到装饰、窑烧等工艺和装饰要求的不同,甚至陶瓷的口脚也会有特殊的特征。 这是特殊历史时代的固有特征,也将成为我们识别朝代的依据。

1、商代以前的各种陶器:商代以前的早期文化时期的陶器,大多采用泥条揉底等工艺。 器物的口部一般是用手捏、磨平、抛光的,不太规整。 这是因为当时没有车轮修整工艺。 从手捏、磨的情况即可识别。 一般来说,仰韶文化中期以后就有慢轮了,但由于原料的关系,这种慢轮是用来磨削的,而不是旋坯的,所以商代前后的器物口部要么是捏制的,要么是捏制的。并手工抛光,或者是用慢轮打磨的一种特殊功能。

大众娱乐2、慢轮修:商代至战国时期,特别是西周时期,陶瓷大多采用泥条制作。 最后用泥擦干净,压紧底部。 然后用慢轮修整器口。 这种修口明显留下了轮修痕迹,所以这种只用轮法修口的器物大多是西周至汉代的产品。

大众娱乐3、瓷器:东汉以后,瓷器逐渐开始大量生产,从一开始就模仿青铜器的造型。 魏晋以后,开始根据生活的需要独立创造自己的造型。 魏晋南北朝至隋初,流行一种盘口器物,如四系、六系盘口壶、盘口鸡头壶、平底锅等。德清窑有青瓷、黑釉,隋代逐渐消失。 这种残障鉴定就定位在这个时代。

大众娱乐4、漱口用具:秦汉时期流行青铜漱口盆,后发展为瓷质漱口盆,魏晋以后消失。 不过,除了青瓷以外,还有很多漱口用具。 青瓷漱口用具只能是魏晋时代。

大众娱乐5、唇器:陶瓷发展初期,由于瓷体易变形、破损,为了加强边缘强度,许多器物如瓷碗等器物都加厚,形成唇部。 这种方法不仅增强了强度,减少了废品,而且还增加了美观。 从南北朝到唐代,邢窑等窑口均烧制带唇碗。 到了五朝时期,陶瓷泥坯制作的混乱程度逐渐加大,坯泥的强度也随之增强,唇纹也逐渐消失。 后来有的产品还带有一点唇形作为装饰。

6、芒口器:宋代,北方窑炉为了增加产量和成品,发明了重烧工艺,后逐渐发展到南方景德镇窑。 这类器物主要是碗类产品。 把碗放进一种匣钵里,叠在一起,再烧。 器物通体施釉,但口沿无釉,故有芒口。 为了装饰和实用,一些精美的官员还在器物的口部镶嵌金银口,故又称“金银镶口”。 流行于宋代至南宋时期。 后来由于口的设置比较麻烦,到了南宋末元初,又发明了生产量较大的垫片。 口器不见了。 经分析鉴定,邙口只能是宋代的,正品的镶嵌上尚有残银和锈迹。

7、白福轮:宋代流行黑釉碗,主要用于泡茶。 有一种黑釉碗,全黑碗的口沿上有一圈白釉,形成了强烈的视觉对比。 该产品主要产于冀州窑及部分北方窑炉。

8、酱釉口:在白釉器的口部涂上一圈酱釉,会产生一种特殊的效果,就像金银镶嵌口一样。 一些特殊时代的酱口制品可以提供朝代的识别。 基础。

宋定窑酱釉口器:从北宋开始,刻花碗和印花碗的口沿一般都是男口器,但有一款印花碗,口沿上有工整的酱釉口,形成鲜明对比。 酱釉黑如铁艺,略带锈色,无光泽是最关键的特征。 现代仿制品的口部一般都很光亮,或者光亮度被人为磨掉,所以有抛光的痕迹。

宋营清江口瓷器:宋代景德窑均烧造影青、白釉,以“湖田窑”为主,即湘湖窑、南风窑、白社窑。 各窑口的青花釉基本相同。 但还是有细微的差别,抓住了就能区分出来。 其中,南风窑在宋元时期与湖田窑并肩大量生产,而白社窑则拥有其他窑场所没有的青花釉酱碗。 景德镇没有其他窑炉。 但湖田窑的底部有酱色、锈色、黑色垫烧痕迹,这是白社窑所没有的。

大众娱乐明末酱青花瓷:明末崇祯年间至顺治年间,下限至康熙初期,部分青花边缘施一层酱黄釉。与白瓷形成镶银口的效果,清代康熙中期以后逐渐消失。 采用这种装饰,也就形成了青花瓷器。 明清过渡时期顺治青花瓷器的一种鉴别方法:此类器物的口部一般都很薄、浅、淡、微黄,有点像金口的效果,有的粗制滥造的器物上似乎涂抹了一圈很薄的釉,轻如护胎釉。

9、清康熙青花粉口:康熙青花瓷器是青花发色的最佳时期,各种青花瓷器造型丰富。 施一层粉白釉,可起到加厚边缘的效果,有时会形成碎泡和自然毛刺。 这也是康熙独有的特点,用来识别的。

10、清顺治青花暗刻花口瓷:清代顺治时期流行白釉暗刻花,后来在一些青花瓷器(如笔筒等器物)上出现暗刻人字纹口、足边缘镶边,然后在中间绘青花,形成暗刻花卉的特点。 这种口足暗刻花器一般为顺治优质青花。

大众娱乐11、宋迎庆斗笠碗口:有一种宋代青瓷造型的斗笠碗。 刀,这个旧碗的实用性值得怀疑,也可能是明兵器。 出土的大多有缺口,是北宋至南宋时期的特殊类型。 由于瓷器质地坚硬,现代仿品用手在口顶轻轻一刮,就会有刀割的声音,而瓷器的真品则不高,需要很长的时间。是时候把它埋进土里了,这样刮的时候就没有声音了。 这就是真实与虚假的区别。

明代中后期的薄口碗:明代的瓷化程度很高,因此可以制作很薄的扁杯等薄胎杯,因此产生了很多薄胎杯、碗。 这些杯碗薄而半透明,碗沿如刀刃。 清初以后逐渐消失,现代仿制品也有铿锵刀剑之声,但真品没有。

大众娱乐12、唐宋时期的魁口、里口、花口:唐代开始受到外来文化金银器的影响,白釉上开始出现魁口、里口、花口,主要出现在刑窑定窑上。窑。 宋代的影青瓷就有这种造型,是两代的特产。 元代龙泉青瓷和青花盘上有葵口、边口、花口等品种,主要出口伊斯兰地区。 明代以后不再流行,但在明清时期的外销瓷器中,也有这种葵花口筋的外销茶杯、茶盘。

13、明代青花瓷壶口:青花瓷壶是明清时期划分的重要标志。 故器物口部满釉; 而清代青花瓷器是在釉面形成后,对器物的圈足和口部进行最后修补,因此口部和圈足有修整整齐的无釉珠边,胎釉有两者区别明显,交界处有明显的火石红溢出。 这是明清青花壶的一个区别。

大众娱乐明代青花壶 清代青花壶

大众娱乐14、檀香口:明代永乐青花瓷器,出现在芝麻珐琅碗、盘上,俗称檀香口。 口沿施酱釉,形成“檀口”,经高温一次烧成蓝色花酱花器。 这种独特的制作工艺主要体现在民窑青花瓷器上,偶尔也体现在其他瓷器上,主要是模仿定窑的彩口。

大众娱乐15、灯槽口:是在明代琉璃器上形成的。 例如铜红釉的祭红釉和祭蓝釉,由于高温下釉料流动较大,釉下釉流失过多,使器物口部釉层薄薄,形成模糊。 口部边缘形成几乎露胎的天然浅色釉,犹如玉带,且草厚较厚,故又称草口。 清代的琉璃,釉的流动没有明代那么大,不容易形成自然的光草口。 因此,工匠有时会在器物的口部人工涂上浅色效果,模仿“灯草口”。 当然,这种灯草口不具备明代自然流淌的效果,因此也成为区分明清琉璃的一个方面。


16、描金口:从宋代开始,将黄金磨成粉末,用大蒜水涂在器物上进行绘画。 从清代乾隆开始白瓷托盘大众娱乐,器物上正式画金,一直到清末民国。 乾隆至光绪年间,均以纯金粉为原料描口。 金的颜色纯净,呈红色和深黄色。 清光绪到民国时,用化学洋金水画口。 金口洁白明亮,佩戴后变成黑色,因此成为鉴定的起点。

日本五岛美术馆藏的福建玉林亭窑黑釉金彩浮山寿海字杯、远根美术馆藏的黑釉金彩武夷山图,均采用清初真金水清末及民国时期。 杨金水

17、金银镶口:宋代是景德镇窑生产的一种芒口器。 为了方便和美观,器口特意镶嵌金、银、铜。 晋代以后,强度增加,美观实用,深受人们喜爱。 真品一般都是出土的,所以镶嵌物一般都被腐蚀了,所以只剩下少数或者被腐蚀了。 现代仿品已无,有的仿品涂有少许黑色,仔细观察即可发现。

大众娱乐18、紫口铁足:南宋官窑瓷器、汝窑瓷器、宋元时期的一种铁质龙泉瓷器。 有的釉上有一层深紫色的护胎釉,有的则是深色的铁胎。 在一些浅色釉器中,如粉青色、腻子色、米色等薄胎色釉器,有的胎只占釉量的三分之一。 由于釉水流淌,口沿胎色外露,呈紫色,无釉器足呈现铁胎。 因此俗称“紫口铁脚”。


陶瓷最本质的部分就是胎土。 在中国陶瓷的发展过程中,除了各个地区、各个时期原料的变化外,最重要的是破碎、洗涤、烧成技术的提高所造成的胎骨质量的差异。 一般来说,早期陶器的烧成温度在800度左右,商代至汉代已达1000度,吸水率下降,强度增加。 东汉末年至南北朝时期,瓷器正式发展成熟。 烧成温度在1200度左右,吸水率和强度基本接近现代。 元代“双组份配方”形成后,可以减少瓷器在烧成过程中的变形,烧成温度进一步提高,吸水率降低至0.03%,透光率提高,而且强度也比较好。 在鉴定、断代过程中,把握几个重要阶段,划定最大界限,再根据细微特征,划定朝代、窑口。



大众娱乐鉴定时应分为两个方面:1、古陶器。 2、各类釉陶。

大众娱乐1.古代陶器。 在石器时代,人们发现粘土烧制后具有良好的强度后,就有意识地开始烧制。 从各种文化门类到南北朝瓷器的发展时期,先后出现了多种陶器。

赤土陶土:吸水率高、坚固、不透明的红粘土。 The can be with nails, and many of them have .

Gray : muddy gray , mud- or - after , water- and .

大众娱乐White : There are very few white , only a small in Shang and Zhou . The clay is white and out, very , not easy to the nails, and .

Black : Black is clay gray , but the of the kiln to smoke and the kiln makes the of the black , and some of the is after the kiln. It can be that the part is still gray .

has :

1. The is very low, 800 . , there is no , so the is very low, and it can be with nails, and some are more . it is clay, some with are added to the .

大众娱乐2. in order to the , some , such as lime sand, have been in the tire. Sandy gray , red . Some seep and . , there are many in the . Some add or to . And some are like dough with mud. After apart, the of old shows of and , but the ones do not.

3. Old is , with many marks and . There are of slow wheel on the mouth or , but there are no of .

大众娱乐4. The is very low and the water rate is high. As soon as the water was , I it , and there was a smell, which was and . And the new is gone.

soil: were in a vast area, both in the north and the south, so it is to the of . As far as the is , the from the Zhou to the is hard and heavy. The body is fine, gray- tire soil, and it is like a steel tire when , with a very solid metal sound. The lime glaze made of plant ash is very thin and , like a thin film, which is very .

body soil in Qin and Han : in Qin and Han , began . Due to the of , it is to in all . The of Qin and Han is , built with mud , with a cake- , and then with mud, thick, and the of the is lower than that of the . There are many kinds of fetal soil, some of which are like color, some of which are to fetal water, and some of which are blue-gray. Due to the large flow of half glaze, some flow like tears. The kiln is not well , so a lot of is and , which is a of Qin and Han .

Wei, Jin, and : in the Wei, Jin, and was very . Most of the at this time was by major kilns in the south, such as kiln and other . At this time, the of is . , it is a , and the to , which is than the Qin and Han , and than the Tang and Five . The fetal soil is gray-, very easy to , and has water . Water is on it and part of it is , and most of it soaks into the soil. , they are flat- and have lines with wire .

大众娱乐Tang kiln body: kiln, also known as kiln, is 30 north of City. It has a scale since the Tang and a for color . The body of kiln is thick and the glaze is light and thin. The early fetal color is light red, and later it is light gray, like gray, and khaki. , there are make-up soil, and some have pad burn marks. The tire is thick, the is not high, it is , and the water rate is high. Among the , one has a hard sound and does not water, and the other has a high water , which is fired at low with lime, and .

Yue Kiln in Tang : Yue Kiln is a kiln in and , , with a of about a years from Han to Song. But it was the Tang and Five that the style was and in large . The Yue kiln is made of , the glaze color is blue with a color, and later some are like lake green. The tires of Yue kiln are the most , off-white, in color, thick and hard, low in water , , and have burnt marks. The of the is too high and the sound is wrong.

kiln in the Song : has of kilns since the Tang , and the main area of ​​ in the Song . In the Ming and Qing , it the main base of . kiln to the kiln in the lake , . in the Song fired blue and white , and the body was still a one-yuan , the body was white, and it was a water-. , the tires that have been in the soil are and have the color. The is that there are black iron spots on the burnt part of the of the tire. There are no other kiln . The uses a kind of ash to coat the tires, so after , the black spots are a kind of . at the of the kiln in the Song , there are waves and by the blank at the of the kiln, while the is very , the fetal soil is too fine and the fast wheel is the main .

kiln in the Tang : The kiln site of kiln is in City, Anhui . It was first fired in the Sui , and the Tang was the of kiln. In the Tang , glaze was fired, the style of Kiln in Tang . The is thick, white and , and some have soil. Most of the have a flat , the is , and there are burn marks. The head of the is heavy, and the edge of the cup is cut off with a knife. The of tires is soft and has a lime .

Xing Kiln in Tang . The Xing Kiln site is in what is now , Hebei . It was a kiln in the Tang , white . It can be into thick and thin, and the thin one has a hard body, the glaze color is fine and , and the is white, and the glaze is water green. The of white is loose. , make-up soil is the , which is thick. The from Ding kiln is the of the .

Ding Kiln: In today's , Hebei , it to in the Song . It was first fired in the Tang and ended in the Yuan . It is one of the five kilns in the Song . The of Ding kiln is that the body is light and thin. In the early stage, soil was , milky , and tear marks on the glaze were green. The brush of silk on the tire can be seen on the glaze, and there are no of and the knife from 's on the of the tire.

大众娱乐 Kiln: Kiln is on the west bank of River, Town, City, , also known as Kiln. From the of kiln in Tang to the peak in Song , it after Jin and Yuan . It is a rare kiln for in Song . The of kiln is the dark green glaze. The tire is gray, a bit like the white on the Yue kiln tires, the place where the white are not is gray, the is hard, the glaze is , there are many peels, and most of the and are in the bowl.

大众娱乐 kiln in Song : kiln is one of the kilns in Song , which in Tang and ended in Yuan . is in the west of Town, Ji'an , today. Ji'an was in times, it is also Kiln. it is in Town, it is also Kiln. kilns burn black , with and glaze . Most of the black glaze and white , leaf , paper-cut , bowls and spots in kiln . The glaze color is dark brown or black red. The from Jian kiln is that the glaze is as thin as skin. The of the fetus are , thin and loose, or white with , the is , and the sound of is like skin. The are , which is very from the black of the Jian kiln.

大众娱乐Song kiln: The glaze of kiln is white with gray, a bit like aging white paint, some are like matte paint, and some are like the paint on the wall after the glaze is off. There is a layer of make-up soil on the tire, and the gray-red tire leaks out under the make-up soil, just like a layer of lime has been on the gray wall. This is not found in later . The tire is thick, and the ring foot is about 5 mm to 15 mm. This is a . If today's are made so thick, the tire will be very heavy.

Song Kiln: Kiln is in , today. It was in the early Song , its peak in the late Song , more in the Yuan , and in the of the Ming . In the Song , lime glaze was still , so the glaze was and thin. In the Song , the body was thin and gray in color. From the of the , the of kiln in each is the most and has . After the Song , lime glaze was , and the glaze at high , so it could be in , which truly the warm and jade-like style of kiln.

There are two types of tires in the Song : white tires, thick glaze and black tires with thick glaze. The white tire is fine and , and the part is , known as " red". The black tire is gray and black, known as "iron bone", the tire along the mouth is -brown, and the of the ring foot is iron black, known as " mouth and iron foot".

大众娱乐In the Yuan , a bowl- was . There is a of glaze in the of the outer of the , and there is a glaze in the , which looks like a , and the tire is red. The of glaze in the is . After the Ming , pad was , and the outer was .

Yuan Kiln

大众娱乐The kiln tires in the Ming were and , and the tires were red. Due to the of the tire glaze, there were often very long , to long .





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