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第四章 重点项目,加快复工复产

第七节 土著骑马打桥法

成昆高铁全线共有大、中、小型桥梁991座,总延长线106公里(含总站桥长),砌体总量153.6万余块立方米。 地基深、墩台多。 项目重,任务重。 过江大桥也受到暴雨季节的影响。 隧道过后,大桥的快速建设成为能否如期、早日通车的关键。

大众娱乐1964年9月,率先进入成昆高铁南端的铁道八师施工管段,从香蕉园至一坪廊,全长126.3公里。 其中,有密密麻麻的小桥流水。 有全线最长的大田井特立交桥,全长1166米,平均桥墩高度30多米。 有一组桥梁,称为老敦化桥,在近6公里的路线上共有8座桥梁。




大众娱乐老敦化绵延在潞徐洲陡峭的山谷中,汹涌的湖水拍打着石岸激起层层白浪。 支流从公路和人行道的桥下流过,公路上车辆来来往往密集。 还有隧道和桥梁连接它们。 在近6公里的线路上,共有立交桥7座,中桥1座。 桥组总延伸1401.42米,拱圈50个,开挖深度5-9米,承台高度10-21米。 技术室的工程师说:如果是专门的二桥连在一起,建起来就方便多了。 现在二桥成群结队,地势陡峭,桥与隧道相连,场地狭窄,又与人行道相交,相互干扰较大。








大众娱乐不等待装备,不依赖援军! 一切从实际出发,打哪个装备就打哪个。 马战群桥上的土法!



大众娱乐营部迁至桥头,把“坚持自力更生、艰苦奋斗、因地制宜、力争主动”变为行动。 在先抓紧后按惯例安排下,实行了三步走的统筹安排方式:即在前两座桥施工期间,启动二座、二座桥的施工方案和具体方案,以及对三桥、二桥进行施工勘察。




规划工作进展的很顺利,只是没有机械设备的消息。 建造二桥的进口机械尚未核销。 为实现工地指挥部“大桥不是一个月,中桥不是十日,小桥不是一夜”的号召,大家都着急了。


二桥缺少混凝土浇筑设备,决定在隧道口使用搅拌机,借助桥隧道相连的地形,在悬崖峭壁上搭建栈桥。 悬索桥连接隧道与二桥基础,与隧道施工共用混凝土搅拌机浇筑混凝土。 于是架设栈桥、索桥的战斗随即打响。

大众娱乐基础工程是关键。 自制叉车抬土,地基挖掘机日夜轮换顶管。 二桥指挥部在基础顶管、栈桥架设、索桥架设施工现场举行劳动竞赛,每人获得一面红旗。 基础混凝土的浇筑如期进行。

基础完成后,桥面施工开始。 桥面一天天下降,平均墩高30多米,但当桥面达到20米时,就很难再抬高了。 该怎么办


工程师分析说:钢缆起重机不受地形高墩的限制,更适合深水、急流、峡谷峡谷。 起重能力大,单组主绳可达3吨,便于吊装整体木模板、钢滑模等重物。 使用灵活,可垂直吊装,水平运输,实现快速施工。 作为桥梁施工的固定设备,可常年倒置使用,可节省大量施工天数、木材和运输费用。






值班人员挥舞着绿旗,桅杆和吊船缓缓下降。 乘客系好安全带到达极限后,被送往渡槽,随后混凝土被向下输送至码头进行浇筑。

起重机每运行一个周期,维修人员就会上前检查固定主绳两端的夹具是否松动。 对托架、分缆器、塔头的滑轮进行检测,并定期加油。

地勤人员经常检查桅杆基础和屋脊,及时排除地表积水,防止融入坡面造成下沉变形。 如果电缆风绳松弛,应立即调整。 固定主绳两端的夹具要拧紧,并用小米椒作标记,有位移时随时拧紧。 确保桅杆起重机工作正常。

大众娱乐有一段时间,内部拉杆钢模板阻碍了混凝土的快速浇筑。 这些传统模板配备外置拉杆,不利于石料在混凝土中的混入和捣固作业,模板的拆装费时费力。

大众娱乐战士们提出了“取消模板外拉杆加固”的建议。 木工班与工程技术人员共同研究,成功创新无内拉杆框架模板。 取消内拉杆,木架采用型钢和胶合板加固,整体吊装。 因此,节省了内拉杆加固和拆装模板的工时,使混凝土拌石夯实,有利于干硬混凝土的推广,质量的提高, 以及水泥的节约。




问题的根源在于渡槽施工不能连续运行,是速度慢的主要矛盾。 桥面架设一段模板,浇筑一层混凝土,每段断续浇筑。 为了连续运行,必须更换浇注混凝土的模板。

大众娱乐战士们提出改革建议,将分段建模的形式改为一次性建模。 经过实践,一般桥墩高度在12米以内,模板可与墩帽、托盘一次架设,分阶段浇筑混凝土,仅需7天左右即可完成,是分阶段浇注速度的两倍。

但是,当桩基超过12米时,一次搭7人以上,模板非常不稳定,很危险。 但经日晒雨淋易变形,混凝土表面出现“蜂窝麻点”。 失败后,战士们并没有气馁。 他们先搭了两段模板(每段8米),在第二段模板上开1米×1米的窗孔浇筑混凝土,并在下部搭一个平台作为盖板。 但继续修模,可防止坠物伤人,又能渡过难关。

大众娱乐在一次次排除快速施工困难后,营党委加强了“三查”:检查检查、模板检查、混凝土浇筑检查。 技术人员轮班工作,边工作边讲解注意事项和操作要领,使中心线和水平检测准确,模板规格符合要求,支撑牢固,混凝土内外牢固,质量好.


施工过程中,各级党员来到桥头堡,落实现场工作法,面对面进行领导:认真组织计划安排和物资发放; 加强工艺衔接,对落后环节及时调整; 坚持合理的规章制度,加强施工管理; 组织后勤人员奔赴现场,及时补给物资物资,做好生活卫生工作。

1965年8月,老敦化14号二桥率先实现二桥不过月。 接着,老敦化15号的二桥也意识到二桥九月过不了月。 最终,他们用7个月的时间完成了8座桥梁的基础和路堤建设,实现了快速施工。


大众娱乐这8座桥梁包括基础和挑石在内共计使用人日,平均砌筑每立方米9.7人日,完成每米桥梁平均109人日。 与年初建成的社子河二桥相比,工期缩短5倍,工效提高1.4倍,疗效显着。



方法总是比困难多,真正的知识来自实践。 群桥施工创造了大规模机械化也能组织快速施工的经验。

一切从实际出发,创造了优异的成绩。 西北高铁工地指挥部称赞老敦化二桥是因地制宜的典型。



大众娱乐第四章 重点项目,加快复工复产



在鲁*政*工作中,他最渴望的就是成昆高铁一条关键隧道早日出现。 而,希望就是关村坝隧道。

为什么? 因为成昆高铁隧道很多,但我们当时的建设水平太低铁托盘角墩,工期要求相差很远。 隧道施工不能没有模型!

大众娱乐成昆高铁的设计和建设充满了困难。 为攻坚克难,决定成立攻坚战群。 全省抽调1200余名各界技术人员,参加61个战斗群,开展科研、试制、设计等工作。 其中,隧道建设攻关攻坚战群16项。

关村坝隧道位于大渡河右岸,穿过小洼山边缘。 原线沿河绕行,初步设计宽度为16.6公里。 1961年5月,决定“削弯整直”,缩短线路10.1公里,避开地质复杂路段8.9公里。

最终确定为6.107公里,为成昆高铁重点工程。 1961年7月复工,1963年2月停工,改洞696.84米,未完工5410.16米。


大众娱乐关村坝隧道是北端铺设轨道的第一道“拦路虎”。 确保北端尽快铺设轨道,开展工程物资运输,具有重要意义。


大众娱乐于是,组织了一个快速建设战斗群,将最强的兵力放在了关村坝。 参赛单位有:煤炭开采水平高的冶金部井巷3号队、煤炭部京西1号队、GJ科委、重庆大学、同济大学、西安矿业大学、铁道部科学院西北研究院、专业设计院、铁道部第二、第四设计院和建设单位。



为快速施工打下坚实的基础,通过认真的施工调查和技术文件审查,按照工期要求,编制实施施工组织设计,对项目数量、进度、施工天,材料、机械、运输和技术要求和技术要求得到了落实。 质量安全措施等

大众娱乐为尽早进入隧道创造条件,集中力量修整通往隧道口的道路、人行道和桥梁,将较小的设备和材料运送到现场; 因地制宜,就地取材,就地取材解决住房问题; 使用内燃空气压缩机为建筑电力发动机、内燃发电机过渡; 加工、维修管道、机械设备等,以备不时之需。 隧道施工全部采用国产重型机械。


大众娱乐高铁单线隧道平面图为上半圆形,下长方形。 上方的弧形建筑称为渡槽,右下方的建筑称为侧墙。

隧道顶管施工有全断面顶管和局部顶管两种。 “分段顶管法”中有“上下导坑法”(先拱后墙法)和“漏斗木柱法”(先墙后拱法)两种可选方法。


第一步是顶管下先导坑,这是先导工序,要做好支护。 第二步顶起先导坑,扩拱,及时将坝体填入拱内。 第三步顶管中间层,必须在主梁坝体达到预定硬度并拆除模板后进行,以免土体过早受力或损坏拱模和拱形框架。 今后将对边墙进行“马口”开挖(边墙不能大面积顶进,只能劈开或交错“一口吃一口”,避免填塞塌陷,故称“马口”)。


经比较,觉得“漏斗木柱法”的优点是支撑木料和爆破设备少,顶管与下导坑出渣干扰小,拱圈与侧边连接牢固墙缝。 于是决定领养。

按照西工治的规划安排,需在31个月内完成,才能满足北段铺轨通车的要求。 按照南北两端两个出入口的建设,除坍塌、涌水等事故外,必须达到月换算200米。

大众娱乐所谓隧道化是指完成隧道的所有过程。 包括顶管、扩管、衬砌、挑檐、边墙、底铺、天沟、人孔等。 改成隧道是一个估算施工进度的概念。 工程各部分的划分相当于估算隧道的开挖标准。


大众娱乐隧道施工空间小,人员和设备不能分开,工艺复杂。 减少空间是关键。 这需要使用辅助先导坑。

大众娱乐因此,使用哪些辅助先导坑成为人们讨论的焦点。 辅助先导坑有四种类型:水平坑、平行先导坑、立井和立井。

所谓平行先导坑,是指距隧道主孔约15~30米的先导坑,另一顶管与主孔平行。 如果平行导坑可以在主孔前面或提前开,然后从平行导坑开一条横向通道找到主孔的坐标位置,两个工作面可以相对开在主孔中。





大众娱乐冶金部井巷三队、煤炭部京西一队承担了平行先导坑攻坚任务。 隧道最大隐蔽深度1650米,两侧距中心线20米处设置平行导坑。

京翔三队负责成都端平行导坑施工,采用“直眼开槽”、“垂直交错平台顶管法”等方式,明显提高了平行导槽进度坑,并率先每月推进282.7米。 新纪录。




隧道最大隐蔽深度1650米,两侧距中线20米处设置平行导坑,供二号线未来改建使用。 施工过程中,以“两快一猛”(快计划、快完成、抓重点促全局)为指导思想,坚持正常施工秩序,逐步加快施工速度,实现高稳定生产。


大众娱乐在劳动组织方面,隧道两端各有一个分队负责施工,综合队4个,机械队1个。 综合机组实行“四六制”(四班倒,每班工作六小时),机械机组实行“三八制”。

战斗队与一线施工人员团结奋战,率先突破了“打完枪没有压载”的困境,也解决了装岩机长度与顶管段规格的矛盾,加强了工班劳动组织,构建了完善的施工体系。 岗位责任制。



大众娱乐1965年1、2月,关村坝隧道成功贯通100米两条隧道。 这是自成昆高铁大战以来,首个双口百米洞新纪录。







大众娱乐第四章 重点项目,加快复工复产

第9节 登高望远后继有人,二桥再创新高


解放战争时期,1949年9月,上级命令京广高铁以最快速度建成。 京广高铁西段徐州至大营之间,线路损毁延长148公里,应急救援难度极大。 其中,长150米、高45米的8号桥,屋架全部炸毁,桥面也不同程度受损。 8号桥桥面被炸,高度不在一个水平面上。 四个拱形桥墩顶部拆除了近50立方米的钢筋混凝土; 如何爬上高高的桥面是一个很大的难题。

危急关头,杨连弟同志以超人的勇气和智慧,大胆提出用桥上仅存的铁夹板搭建单面脚手架。 9月4日上午,杨连迪用带钩子的长杆钩住桥面胶合板上的圆孔,成功登顶。 杨连弟和十八名骑士爬上了墩顶,把梯子拴了起来。


登上顶峰后,杨连迪再次身先士卒,主动承担了最危险的任务,就是炸开墩顶。 采用先爆后铲的方法,他只用一块木头做防爆,就冒着被炸伤、震耳欲聋的危险。 他采用少量浅眼密集爆破法,爆破100余次,将桥面顶面打平,为修复8号桥、打通京广线做出了重大贡献。

大众娱乐在杨连弟精神的鼓舞下,指战员奋战59个昼夜,比原计划提前20天完成了8号桥抢险救援任务。 上级认可了杨连迪的巨大贡献,授予他“攀登英雄”的称号。 他生前所在的团连被命名为“杨连弟连”。


抗美援朝战场上,1951年7月发生特大洪水,杨连弟指挥一个排激战30个昼夜,冒着生命危险12次修建浮桥,制造了柴油桶和重rail , which . The River was to . On May 15, 1952, Yang was by a time bomb while he was in . The Army and the Yang as a "first-class hero", and the of the 's of Korea a to Yang as a "Hero of the 's of Korea", him a gold star and a first-class flag medal.

The No. 5 has a total of 227.42 and is 135 away from Xi'an. It is one of the most to lay the track at the end. The slope of the line at the site is 2.5‰, and the plane is a line and a curve with a of 400 . The basic is and shale with well- and . The whole is as a 32-meter beam with 1 hole, a 44-meter upper plate beam with 3 holes, and a 24-meter beam with 2 holes. Among them, the No. 3 pier is 56 high, which is 11 than the No. 8 on Road that Yang .

The First was the where the hero Yang . The First Iron to them with the task of the , and asked them to work April 1965 and the task April of the year.

has a and a large of . The Zhang Peifu and Zhou out a plan and it to the Zhang and the Huang Can for : the must grasp the and , seize the , to take the , seize the dry , and build the the heavy rain. .

to the of the , the steel mast and the pole mast are used to the , the pole is used to the , and the pole is used to the .

The whole is into four areas, and the "three " (, , and ) and "four " (, types of work, , and time) are . It is to the tasks and in , so that the tasks are to the class, and the and are to the .

大众娱乐After the plan was and by the party , a three- group by party , , and was . The whole put into and to fight.

in . The river bed is full of sand and , and for is not , so it was that the of the be in ways to . The on the land can be by of the wide site, and the in the river uses bored piles to the layer.

The will stand the test of such as heavy rain all year round. The must that the , depth and all meet the . In the , this is done.

大众娱乐The asked the group of the to carry out and work, so that the site will have a , the will of the army, and the of the task.

大众娱乐The group went down to the open-cut shaft and for the the break. The slope of the open was tens of . They the site cart to the of the shaft more than 10 deep. Li and Zhang sang the to the of the open :

The of the dam body be , and the scope of the piers be ! The be piled up to the , so as not to cause .

You catch up with each other to , and the key is to the . The of the third class are in , and the self-made is .

大众娱乐The pipe pit must not be deep to that the water in the pit is and the is early.

The side slope of the pipe is dry, and it is more when dug in one go. When the rain came to , Tun came out of the water and !

The in which the group good and good deeds and .

Bored piles are used for the in the of the river, and there are many under the . In order to for , the large messy iron at the of the water must first be .

大众娱乐In fact, it is , but the cold evil in the area does not , and there is thin ice on the water. Tang led the into the cold water to the iron, and the skin on his face was as as being cut by ice. a large iron block that could not be moved, the dived into the of the water and a bag of under the to blast, in the early of the . This is the on the - high-speed . The of how to "Gao" was in front of them again.

大众娱乐In March 1965, the its army, a large of old were , and the new were . the 56-meter deck and the 60-meter-high steel mast, some new said, "If you fall out of the air, you will be into meat." Party are that there will be too many new and that the force is weak, and that they will not be able to the task. also feel that they don't have much "" and are that they won't be able to lead new .

If a wants to climb high, his mind must "climb high". The party to solve the of why first. you to study and Mao's great , the great of the - high-speed , and tell you the deeds of Yang to you on .

( site )

the War of , Yang onto the 45-meter-high deck of No. 8 on Road with a hook on a pole. For the first time, when to the River , he the of war and up to the heavy rail to the of the river to tie the iron wires.

大众娱乐Party and Bian once side by side with Yang . In to , he pays more to his body. He often stays on the scene for more than ten hours, and the are ahead of him. The said: Learn from Yang far away, learn from Bian near!

The meter by meter to 30 , and the steel masts the also rose to more than 30 by . When the new Xiong to 30 , he saw the in the sky, and the steel mast was about to fall. The more he , the more he , and the more he , the more timid he . Even I got up, I didn't dare to work .

The party you to study . use three to and check with "" and "".

大众娱乐" at 30 is to on the ."

大众娱乐"To cross a big river, one must go to the shore; to climb a high , one must go to the top; to make a , one must go to the end. If one does not reach the top, one is not a hero!"

大众娱乐The old hung Mao's card "make up your mind, not of , all , and for " his neck, and the Xiong . I feel dizzy and weak, the card will give me more . The more he is, the more he . Step by step, on their and , step by step, they to climb the peak!

( under )

The first group also took on the task of the steel mast. Class One is the class Yang was in his . The Hu began to feel that the were and high was , so he did not feel at ease to be a . He Mao's with , with Yang 's deeds, hard the of fear of and death, and to base on his job and build for the . After a nap for three , when he used the "old three " to check the work for the three days, he that there might be a bolt on the steel mast that he had to . The more he , the less he is. What if there is a car ? "This is not the !" After the tight nut was , it was more than two o'clock after . The were and said: What Hu was a red heart of a !

大众娱乐 the stage of the , the three- team chose to to local , the , and paid to the site , so that the of stone and a "one-stop" line, which work and .

The class that makes the grasp the when the , and every of , on duty, and and at any time. when , and try to make the more pier and .

with is a joint of types of work and . The of steel bars must be for labor and with to with the rate of . shall be in areas, so that all areas are and at the same time. When the is , the when the of the 1.5-2.0 kg/ , and the does not 50 ; , make good , and the shift .

In 1965, out that in view of the fact that the - Line and the - Line could be early, and the force of the two lines could be to - in , the was on April 20, 1966. The began the track- plan.

The Party of the First an order to the of No. 5 in 1966. This is 2 than . The party of the on the and of the to carry the style of and to it in this year.

Just as the was its , the 60-meter-high head pole .

大众娱乐It had just at this time, and the pole was and .

大众娱乐60 high, what can we do?


The Hu up with a brave and . Slide out and climb up again. again and again, and tried again and again, and to the front. At first , it out that the was stuck by the wire rope. He on the pole, with no for his feet and no place for his hands to grasp. It was very and .

The below for him.

大众娱乐I saw Hu to the pole with his arm, and for more than an hour as and as Yang did when he blew up the on the No. 8 . He the fault and the . A song of !

大众娱乐The rate has been from 25 cubic per shift to 45 cubic , the of has been from 70 to 32, and the mold- rate has been from 3 days per to 16 hours per . There were no major or the , and the was good.

Yang 's from and , and set a new for on the - high-speed .

大众娱乐In 1966, the was , the track at the end.






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